Today we are ready to announce that Multiple Google Shopping Feeds has become our partner. For a long time, we were looking for an app that works with ads. Furthermore, it must be compatible with multi-currency and multilingual feeds. Finally, we have found it!
Meet Multiple Google Shopping Feeds

Multiple Google Shopping Feeds it’s an outstanding application that allows creating shopping feeds on Shopify stores. The app creates file feeds of different formats. It makes the app compatible with Google Shopping, Bing Shopping, and Facebook Product Ads.
Main features
- Multiple files feed formats
- Supports multilingual feeds
- Supports multi-currency feeds
The last two points are the main points of contact between our two applications. LangShop can provide multilingual content for the store and Multiple Google Shopping Feeds can display it in Google Shopping feeds.
You can also categorize your products by different collections, variants, etc. and they will be synced to Google Shopping. Consequently, they will be displayed as different products.
Another advantage of the app is that Multiple Google Shopping Feeds allows customizing all data fields of a feed. You can change data anytime you need it. Furthermore, the app provides instant feeds update. If you change the currency or any data in data fields, this data will be changed in the feed immediately too.
And the last feature that we want to consider in this announcement is synchronization with Google Merchant Center.
With this app, you can cover more markets and more countries.
Connect with Multiple Google Shopping Feeds
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LangShop: Translate & Currency

Before you start promoting products on foreign markets successfully, you should first translate them into the local language(s) and localize a store. LangShop can be a perfect decision in this situation.
The app provides an Auto translation feature that makes fast translation possible. You can also order a human professional translation inside the app. The team is working on integration with Google Pro and DeepL.
LangShop gives an opportunity to translate Shopify stores into various languages. The app supports 241 languages.
There are also different localization tools. For instance, Shopify merchants can add currencies and currency switchers to their stores. Over 80 currencies are available for LangShop users.
So, before promoting the store on foreign markets, make sure that it’s clear for the local audience. And we will gladly help you;)
Connect with LangShop
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
So, let us say one more time that we are glad to cooperate with different Shopify applications. Especially when you can complement each other. LangShop translates Shopify stores and Multiple Google Shopping Feeds will help to promote translated products. It’s a perfect combination of Shopify applications. Looking forward to further cooperation;)