Scientific and technological progress has been contributing a lot to marketing and sales. The e-commerce sphere is at the forefront nowadays providing a chance to thousands of stores to find their customers all over the world. While some websites are focusing on a particular region, others go global and expand their market. Maintaining a multinational website is not a dead easy thing. In spite of English being used as an international language, customers’ loyalty is gained by providing perfect service which means language adjustment. That’s why a multilingual web store is a necessity, not a whim.
Can Shopify handle multiple languages?
For merchants looking to offer their store in multiple languages, there are two solutions to create a multilingual website: apps or multiple stores. The majority of merchants choose the first one as a more propitious way of expanding website borders. The only challenge is in choosing the best one.
What Can Shopify Multilingual Apps Offer to Your Store?
Shopify supports various translation apps supplying websites all over the world with different features. Therefore choosing the most appropriate one is the only thing you have to do. Let’s have a quick look at the most common features presented by the apps. Translation can be made of different types: certain apps ensure only manual translation while others do it automatically. The translated content can also vary as some apps edit only static elements or omit blog or FAQ pages as unnecessary ones. The number of languages is also different, for instance Easy Language supports 100 languages, while LangShop operates more than 240. The unique feature presented by few apps is SEO, ranking your online store highly in foreign countries search. Certain apps imply automatic language detection, and others prefer language switchers for immigrants’ and native speakers’ convenience. A small number of translation apps offer currency change to make purchasing easy as pie for customers.
What multi-language Shopify app to choose?
As mentioned above while choosing an app, take into account the desired features. Nevertheless, LangShop can boast a very large number of them. It is a powerful application allowing you to open the world by translating every single word of your Shopify store into different languages. Langshop’s advantage is in meeting all essential requirements so merchants can easily customize their website languages. Availability of four different plans helps to choose the one that is fit for the store features and service. It supports all types of translation: manual, machine (or pro translation), and automatic. Paid plans provide even third-party app and tags translation, selector styles scheme and currency customization, images, and blog post adjustment. A lot of web stores have reached success with LangShop and are ready to share their experience.
How can I translate my Shopify store to Japanese?
1. Installation
Just download the app from the app store:
2. Customization
With LangShop it’s a piece of cake. The only challenge you can face up is choosing a plan. But there is no point for hesitation – any time you can upgrade or downgrade it. So, for website translation, you must follow three steps route:
language selection – currencies selection – content selection.
The first step allows admins to choose not only Japanese but also four more languages relevant to the audience. The second step is optional, allowing you to add more currencies if needed. And finally, the third step is performed to choose the sort of data to translate.
3. Choosing accurate translation type
Depending on the page content and plan, you can choose from several translation types:
- manual,
- automatic,
- pro (or machine),
- agency translation.
Manual translation is available with any plan. All you need is to choose the needed product in LangShop admin and with the help of dual-panel mode add the translation in the right field in a left-field manner.
Automatic translation is generated by seven machine drivers. The route is quite easy: LangShop admin – Settings – Languages – Add New – Auto-translate. Afterward, the drivers will immediately start the translation. As mentioned above, unmarked sections in the content selection field will be skipped while the other pages will receive a multilingual version.
Pro translation implies using a pro translation driver such as Google or DeepL and is available for the paid plan users.
If none of the translation types mentioned are accurate, admins can order it performed by native speakers from TextMaster, a leading translation agency platform, right from the LangShop app.
4. Identifying the content for translation
Top-notch LangShop functionality allows translating all types of content. Along with the static text elements, dynamic, storefront, and individual theme elements can be translated. This means that all headers, buttons, banners, popups, and even blogs will be translated to the selected language in a few clicks. The app itself will add changes to a theme code.
5. Checkout customization
Checkout translation and customization of the Shopify website are the most commonly desired options, so let’s have a look at them. LangShop performs checkout translation to make it as comprehensible as possible. According to our research, the majority of LangShop users prefer TextMaster translation here, identifying this section as the most important and accountable one. Besides, adding currency is possible. Being unlimited, this function allows admins to add any number of currencies by the simple algorithm: in Settings select the Payments option and click Manage. In the Currencies section Add the desired currencies. By accepting national currencies, the brand conveys respect to a customer and embodies high-level service.
6. Language selector customization
Language selector is highly customizable in LangShop. Different colors, fonts, and positions are implied to suit your store perfectly. Here also the selector status can be changed, making it visible to customers, to admin only or disabled at all.
Can I adjust the content to Japanese culture?
To avoid any sort of cross-cultural misunderstanding it’s essential to adjust the content making it appropriate to the national culture. For it, you need to change images for products, collections, and blog posts on different language versions making the content clearer to the audience.

How to translate freshly added content?
The product pages and blogs are constantly replenished by new stuff. Furthermore, existing pages change occasionally. LangShop has considered it and implemented the feature available for advanced and enterprise plans. It performs newly added products and collections translation automatically to save your time dramatically and maintain arranged multilingual content effortlessly.

LangShop provides quick and high-quality assistance in the way of reaching success. The multiple functionalities will help to make your store multicultural to expand your influence in the global marketplace. Moreover, it is a good tool for navigation facilitation, especially for foreign customers. Do you still hesitate? LangShop offers a 14-day free trial allowing you to explore the possibilities of the app in full.
It’s time to expand your business horizons with LangShop!